The Symbols of Knights Templar

What is the significance of the Knights Templar motto?

What is the significance of the Knights Templar...

The Knights Templar's motto 'Non Nobis Domine' reflects their dedication to God and service.


What is the significance of the Knights Templar...

The Knights Templar's motto 'Non Nobis Domine' reflects their dedication to God and service.

Unveiling the Templar Cross: 5 Fascinating Facts You Should Know

Unveiling the Templar Cross: 5 Fascinating Fact...

Learn the fascinating history and significance of the Templar Cross, from its origins to its symbolic connection to the Knights Templar and the Crusades.


Unveiling the Templar Cross: 5 Fascinating Fact...

Learn the fascinating history and significance of the Templar Cross, from its origins to its symbolic connection to the Knights Templar and the Crusades.

Teutonic order symbol

Teutonic order symbol

The Teutonic Knights, officially known as the Order of the Teutonic House of St. Mary in Jerusalem, were a German Catholic military order founded in the late 12th century during...


Teutonic order symbol

The Teutonic Knights, officially known as the Order of the Teutonic House of St. Mary in Jerusalem, were a German Catholic military order founded in the late 12th century during...

The Maltese Cross-the Cross of Saint John

The Maltese Cross-the Cross of Saint John

The Maltese Cross, also known as the Cross of Saint John, is a symbol that originated with the Knights Hospitaller (also known as the Order of Saint John) around the...

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The Maltese Cross-the Cross of Saint John

The Maltese Cross, also known as the Cross of Saint John, is a symbol that originated with the Knights Hospitaller (also known as the Order of Saint John) around the...

1 comment
Seal of the Knights Templar

Exploring the Iconic Seal of the Knights Templa...

Explore the iconic seal of the Knights Templar, featuring two knights on one horse, symbolizing poverty, unity, and their dual role as monks and warriors.


Exploring the Iconic Seal of the Knights Templa...

Explore the iconic seal of the Knights Templar, featuring two knights on one horse, symbolizing poverty, unity, and their dual role as monks and warriors.

The Significance of the Knights Templar Flag

The Significance of the Knights Templar Flag

The Beauseant flag of the Knights Templar, divided into white and black halves, symbolizes purity, righteousness, and strength. Representing both military power and spiritual devotion, it was a key emblem...


The Significance of the Knights Templar Flag

The Beauseant flag of the Knights Templar, divided into white and black halves, symbolizes purity, righteousness, and strength. Representing both military power and spiritual devotion, it was a key emblem...